Apex Legends Mobile, the 9-month old mobile game by Respawn and EA is shutting down on May 1st, 2023. All real money in-app purc...

The countdown starts now - Apex Legends Mobile will no longer be playable after May 1st, so get your gaming in while you can!

Apex Legends Mobile, the 9-month old mobile game by Respawn and EA is shutting down on May 1st, 2023. All real money in-app purchases will be disabled from today and the game will be removed from Google Play and App Store. During this 3 month period, players can spend their existing Syndicate Gold and keep playing the full game but there will be no refunds for real money purchases as per the EA User Agreement. The company stated that it has been unable to maintain a quality experience for players which is why it had to take this decision. Apex Legends Mobile shutting down does not affect PC or Console versions of games.


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